Die starke Stimme im Stadtteil - Seit 1932 aktiv für die Interessen der Bevölkerung.
Seit 90 Jahren - Die Bevölkerung packt mit an
Platte Heide ist schön - Wohnen nahe der Natur
Gemeinschaft erleben - Beim Stadtteilfest und Weihnachtsmarkt
Since it was founded in 1932 as a small settlers' association, it has supported the development of the Platte Heide and has always advocated for the interests of the citizens. Today, 92 years later, Platte Heide, with 10,000 residents, is more populous than any other district in Menden. Around 300 of them are involved as SBV members and give the association a powerful voice. In this way, they participate in the political decisions of the Council, the churches and other social groups with constructive criticism and cooperation.